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Weight Loss News and Articles Orange County

What is Avoidance Overeating?

Published on May 2, 2014 by

Avoidance overeaters are usually warm, compassionate people who are very sensitive to the needs of others, but have a hard time dealing with their own needs, wants and problems. They often turn to food to escape, and are often overweight. Here are four strategies to help you overcome this behavior. 1. Learn to identify your […]

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“Taste the Rainbow” – A Better Slogan for Fruits & Veggies Than Sugary Candies

Published on March 19, 2013 by

We’re now “over the rainbow” on another Saint Patrick’s Day, and I hope this one didn’t leave you feeling bloated (or worse, hung over) from too much green beer or weighed down by the salty corned beef and starchy potatoes. Whether during holiday meals or any other time, we can all easily forget who the […]

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The “Celebrity Diet” Bandwagon

Published on June 7, 2012 by

The recent news of yet another celebrity signing an endorsement/weight loss deal has hit the news and again leaves me worried about how fickle our society can be as it follows its “biggest (weight) losers.” You may have heard that Jessica Simpson has signed what reports are indicating is a multi-million dollar deal with Weight […]

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The Simple Truth of the ‘Fat Tax’ Debate

Published on May 31, 2012 by

First, let’s generally define what is meant when the term ‘fat tax’ is used. In essence, this is any tax or surcharge placed upon foods or beverages that are deemed to be fattening. Later in this post, we’ll look further into how this broad interpretation can lead to problems. For now, let’s just say that […]

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Importance of Protein

Published on April 29, 2011 by

Protein is an essential nutrient of the body. Eating enough protein is especially important after bariatric surgery to help preserve lean muscle mass and promote healing. It also increases satiety, which helps patients feel full longer and makes them less likely to over eat. Bariatric patients should always eat the protein portion of their meal […]

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Bariatric Advantage Vitamins

Published on April 11, 2011 by

Many of you have purchased the 90 day starter kits of the Bariatric Advantage vitamins. We have now set up an arrangement with BA that allows you to order your vitamins directly from them and have them delivered to your home monthly. Please ask about this time saving feature next time you are in the […]

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Just one little bite

Published on January 21, 2011 by

I often hear patients make comments like this during an intake about their eating habits. ” I never eat between meals” ” I rarely eat dessert” “Everything I eat is lowfat” Why am I still gaining weight? To answer these questions, we really have to look closely at all the times each day we take, […]

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Excuses to make poor food choices

Published on October 1, 2010 by

To be a successful surgical weight loss patient, you have to make major changes in lifestyle and behavior. Not only do you have to make the changes, but you have to be committed to sticking to them People often start out very gung ho,only to fall prey to some of the following excuses: I am […]

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Weight Loss Options

Published on September 7, 2010 by

For patients who do not quite qualify for bariatric surgery (ie no comorbidities, low BMI), we will be starting to offer Optifast, a medical weight loss program. The average weight loss across the 18 week program is 52 lbs. If you are interested please feel free to contact our office.

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Eating too fast

Published on September 2, 2010 by

Yesterday I blogged about the rule of “one bite every 10 minutes” for patients who have undergone bariatric surgery. This is necessary to protect the pouch and anastamosis from stretching. But eating more slowly has many other benefits for anyone trying to lose weight. You taste and enjoy your food more You give your body […]

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