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Gastric BalloonConveniently located to serve Fountain Valley, CA

Offering a compassionate program that provides comprehensive care and support before, during, and after bariatric surgery to morbidly obese patients, Smart Dimensions™ performs all FDA-approved gastric balloons, including the Orbera™ Intragastric Balloon — a non-invasive weight loss procedure, for Los Angeles and Orange County residents requiring bariatric procedures.

How Does The Gastric Balloon (Intragastric Balloon) Work?

A balloon (belly balloon) is inserted into the stomach. Once inside, it is inflated with a saline solution. The inflated balloon partially fills the stomach, reducing its size. The patient will experience less hunger, and as a result, consume smaller portions. Due to the stomach’s decreased size, these smaller meals will leave the patient feeling as full and satisfied as a much larger meal would have before the procedure.

The ORBERA® Intragastric Balloon System

The ORBERA® Intragastric Balloon System is a weight loss solution that utilizes a gastric balloon to take up space in the stomach in an effort to help a person become full more quickly and, therefore, eat less. The balloon is delivered into the stomach through the mouth using a minimally invasive, endoscopic procedure performed under mild sedation. Once it is in place, the balloon is expanded with saline solution with the amount of the solution being based on the person’s body structure.

The ORBERA® Intragastric Balloon System is a temporary weight loss solution that takes up space in a patient’s stomach in order to help them feel full faster and, thus, eat less. The ORBERA® balloon should be removed after six months.

This device was developed for use in severely overweight adults who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30-40 kg/m2, and who have had no success losing weight with diet and exercise. It is not intended to be used as a stand-alone solution and treatment with the ORBERA® balloon must be done in conjunction with a diet and exercise plan under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

How Is The Gastric Balloon (Intragastric Balloon) Procedure Performed?

Using an endoscopic camera (gastroscope), which goes through the mouth and down the esophagus, the doctor checks the stomach for any abnormalities. If none are found, the belly balloon is then introduced the same way and placed inside the stomach. Once there, a small tube is used to fill the balloon with a sterile saline solution. The doctor will then remove the tube from the patient’s body, leaving the balloon securely inside the stomach.

Your Gastric Balloon procedure will be performed by one of our bariatric surgeons in Fountain Valley, CA

  • Over 15,000 Procedures performed
  • Over 30 Years of Experience
  • The Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program
  • American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery
  • Fellow of the American College of Surgeons

The balloon placement procedure takes approximately 20 minutes, after which the patient will be monitored in the recovery room. Typically, a patient can expect to be discharged within two hours of having the balloon inserted.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is The Gastric Balloon (Intragastric Balloon) Suitable For?

The intragastric balloon is designed to be used in patients who need to lose anywhere from 10 to 30 pounds* with a minimum BMI of 30-40. The intragastric balloon procedure may also be used to reduce weight in patients prior to more invasive weight loss surgery as a way to minimize the risks of surgical complications associated with obese patients.

*Results are not guaranteed and may differ from person to person.

How Long Does The Gastric Balloon (Intragastric Balloon) Stay In The Stomach?

The gastric balloon is designed to remain in place for a six-month period. If your doctor recommends the use of the balloon for a period longer than six months, the procedure will need to be repeated to replace the old balloon with a new one.

What Happens If The Gastric Balloon (Intragastric Balloon) Deflates Spontaneously?

The balloon is filled with a special dye called Methylene Blue. Should your balloon begin to leak or deflate, your urine will turn green. If this occurs, you will need to contact your doctor immediately to have the balloon removed.

How Will The Gastric Balloon (Intragastric Balloon) Be Removed?

Just as it was inserted endoscopically through the mouth, the balloon is removed the same way. Your doctor will insert a catheter through the mouth and esophagus and into the stomach. The catheter is used to puncture and deflate the balloon. Once deflated, the balloon will be pulled back through the esophagus and out through the mouth.

How Much Weight Can I Lose With The Gastric Balloon (Intragastric Balloon)?

The belly balloon must be used in conjunction with a modified diet and exercise program in order to be effective. Weight loss depends on how closely diet and exercise are followed.

Will I be able to feel the Balloon in my stomach?

Patients may experience some discomfort in the first days following the gastric balloon procedure, but afterward, the only feeling should be one of fullness.

How Long Will It Take To Recover After The Procedure?

Patients are asked to limit activity for three days following the gastric balloon procedure. Depending on how quickly individual patients adjust to the balloon, normal activity may be resumed sooner or later than three days.

Does The Gastric Balloon (Intragastric Balloon) Require Frequent Visits To My Doctor After The Procedure?

It is crucial that you follow up with your lifestyle team following this procedure. You will meet at least once a month for the six-month period that your balloon is in place, and then regularly each month for the following six months. Your progress will be monitored and evaluated, and your lifestyle team will give you valuable information about health, nutrition, and exercise that will assist you in making long-term changes to assure your continued success.

Will The Gastric Balloon (Intragastric Balloon) Limit My Activities?

For the first week following your procedure, heavy activity should be limited. You can resume normal activities once your body has adjusted to the balloon. You are strongly encouraged to adopt a regular exercise program to help you achieve weight loss success.

Can I Drink Alcohol?

Moderate alcohol consumption is acceptable.

Can I Eat Anything I Want? Are There Any Food Restrictions?

While there are no restrictions on the types of foods you can eat, you will eat a considerably smaller amount of food. Eating too many fatty foods or sweets may cause you to feel sick. Excessive overeating with a gastric balloon in place can be dangerous.

What Does the Gastric Balloon (Intragastric Balloon) Procedure Cost?

The best way to calculate the cost of the intragastric balloon procedure in Fountain Valley, CA is to meet with one of our bariatric surgeons. Several factors affect the price of the surgery. These are best discussed on a case-to-case basis.

Contact Smart Dimensions™

To have a personal consultation with a Smart Dimensions™ gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgeon, Los Angeles, Orange County, Riverside, and San Bernardino residents can contact our Fountain Valley practice. We serve patients throughout the United States and the world. Please call or text 714-861-4666 today to schedule your free initial consultation!

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