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Archive for January, 2012

The Blame Game Has No Winners

Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen article after article condemning Paula Deen for her recent revelation that she has diabetes, and her subsequent endorsement of a major pharmaceutical company that manufactures the medication she takes to manage her condition. As a physician, what celebrities do with their lives is of much less significance to […]

Even After Bariatric Surgery, Sitting Still is NOT an Option

Have you hit that late-January New Year’s Resolution slump? This is the time of year when the holidays are completely behind us and that laser-like health focus many have had since January 1st, begins to wane. It’s natural and it’s human, but it doesn’t have to stop you from achieving your weight-loss goals. I’ve recently […]

How are YOU Honoring Healthy Weight Week 2012?

It seems these days that there’s a national observance for just about everything. Some are critically important like breast cancer awareness and diabetes education. Yet others, like National Hamburger Month (yes, it’s apparently real and observed in May) don’t seem that important at all. I recently came across an article that said this week (January […]

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