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Is Sleep Dieting Legit?

Studies say you can lose weight in your sleep, but is this legit? Read the full article here…

Why Keep Food and Fitness Journals?

When someone mentions keeping a food or fitness journal, the response is almost always the same – why? Is there any point to writing down how much exercise you’ve done or what you’ve eaten in a day? As it turns out, there is. Write it Down, Watch it Work. The very act of writing down […]

Happy New Year!

New Year’s is upon us once again! Resolutions are the first thing that come to mind. Resolutions can be an intimidating word because maybe in the past you have set some and not followed through. “Resolutions” can be better termed with the word “changes”. Every year it is just in the air to make changes […]

What is the Reshape Dual Gastric Balloon?

When considering weight loss surgery, you may have heard of techniques such as gastric bypass, bands, and balloons. As you might imagine, these require a significant amount of coaching, evaluation and understanding – not to mention the cost of surgery and recovery. Here at , one of our most popular procedures is the ReShape Dual […]

Congratulations to Dr. Mir Ali, Physician-of-the-Month

Outstanding Physicians September 2015 Physician-of-the-Month Congratulations to Dr. Mir Ali for being chosen as the September 2015 Physician-of-the-Month. Dr. Ali specializes in bariatric and general surgery, and has demonstrated exceptional leadership abilities. As an advocate for nursing, he constantly promotes teamwork between the surgeons and nursing staff. The perioperative staff also greatly appreciated his contributions […]

Five Reasons Why You Should Only Seek a Board Certified Surgeon

Not all surgeons are the same. The designation “board-certified physician” is an important distinction that many people who are seeking surgical services ignore. Choosing a board-certified surgeon is very important. Here are five reasons your need to consult a board certified surgeon for your next procedure. State Medical Boards Do Not Qualify Surgeons to Perform […]

Yoga for Obesity: Why Not?

this form of exercise. Sure, we’ve all seen some poses that seem impossible to do ourselves: people with their feet above their heads, resting on their arms, but those aren’t beginner positions. Yoga is a practice and there are modifications to virtually all poses. Working with an instructor who is familiar with all types of […]

High BMI & High Cholesterol: An Unhealthy Couple

September is here and chances are you’re in the midst of back-to-school activities, a new football season and the new fall line-up of TV shows. You may even be dreaming of cooler temperatures and the crispness that comes with the season. But September hosts what is arguably an even more important topic that requires your […]

What You Should Know About Obesity and Arthritis

When talking about the effects of obesity, most people usually think of the obvious and most talked about related conditions: diabetes and heart disease. But obesity actually has a negative impact on nearly every body function, including the bones and joints. In this blog, let’s strive for a better understanding of arthritis – what it […]

Obesity Is Color Blind

Today, the National Institutes of Health estimate that 65 percent of adult Americans are overweight with more than 9 million at least twice their ideal body weight (100 pounds heavier than they should be). A growing national epidemic, obesity rates have more than doubled in adults and children since the 1970’s. April is National Minority […]

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