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Archive for September, 2010

One Year Lab Work

Follow up with the surgical practice is a very important aspect to help you reach your weight loss goals. It is also imperative if you have had a gastric bypass surgery that you come in for your one year follow up and labwork. At that appointment, the surgeon or PA will order a very comprehensive […]

What is the biggest mistake people make when trying to lose weight?

One of the biggest mistake people make when trying to lose weight is to skip meals, especially breakfast. In order to get your metabolism in gear, and convince your body that it is ok to let go of it’s stored energy(FAT) you have to EAT. You should have some high quality food within one hour […]

Tips for getting started on an exercise program

Often getting started on an exercise program is daunting to those who have been inactive for years. Here are a few tips that might make it easier. Remember there are all types of exercise and the old saying “no pain, no gain” is definitely out of date. Pick an activity that you enjoy Begin at […]

Obesity and your bottom line

Many employers are starting to feel the impact of obesity on their bottom line! Employees who are obese drive up the costs of health insurance because they are more likely to suffer from diabetes type II,cardiovascular disease and many other serious illnesses. By helping get your obese employees to a healthy weight, you can lower […]

Obesity in Adolescents

Did you know that one third of all children in the United States are overweight or obese? Diabetes,cardiovascular disease, hyperlipidemia and liver disease used to be considered adult diseases, but are now being seen in children in startling numbers. One of the best ways to help your child if they are experiencing weight problems is […]

Brain surgery for Morbid Obesity?

I saw an interesting piece on tv yesterday about an experimental surgery for morbid obesity. Unlike traditional surgeries, which focus on the stomach and intestines, this surgery was performed on the hypothalmus part of a patient’s brain. Surgeons were attempting to manipulate this gland in an attempt to help a woman who had tried all […]

Weight Loss Options

For patients who do not quite qualify for bariatric surgery (ie no comorbidities, low BMI), we will be starting to offer Optifast, a medical weight loss program. The average weight loss across the 18 week program is 52 lbs. If you are interested please feel free to contact our office.

Eating too fast

Yesterday I blogged about the rule of “one bite every 10 minutes” for patients who have undergone bariatric surgery. This is necessary to protect the pouch and anastamosis from stretching. But eating more slowly has many other benefits for anyone trying to lose weight. You taste and enjoy your food more You give your body […]

One bite every 10 minutes!

Lately there have been some questions posed to me by patients and Diane LeMont, our program psychologist, about the recommendation that patients who have had bariatric surgery try to eat their meals very slowly, over at least 30 to 45 minutes. He has always recommended the adage, “one bite every 10 minutes”. Some patients are […]

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