Robotic Sleeve Surgery: Less Invasive with a Faster Recovery

For some people, losing weight is easy. These lucky people are genetically blessed with good metabolism. Others have to go through the rigors of constantly dieting and exercising to lose those unwanted pounds. For some, dropping excess weight is nearly impossible.
Are you considering having a gastric-bypass surgery performed? If so, you may be intimidated by the recovery period required. This recovery time is greatly reduced when the surgery is performed using a minimally invasive robotic procedure. It’s time to find out about robotic sleeve surgery.
Robotic Sleeve Surgery
This new technique in bypass weight-loss surgery keeps excess weight at bay, as it eliminates the hunger-causing hormone ghrelin. It’s carried out with the help of next-generation robotic technology. This allows the doctor access to tools that allow for a three-dimensional view and 10x-magnified vision.
Due to this technique’s increased precision and accuracy, trauma to the tissues is minimized, resulting in much less pain and a faster and more comfortable recovery.
How the Procedure Is Conducted
In a robotic sleeve surgery, the stomach is divided vertically with a line of staples, and a large section of the stomach is removed. A minimally invasive surgery such as laparoscopic surgery is used to carry this out. An area with a capacity of one to five ounces is spared, so the amount of food that you can consume is restricted.
The part of the stomach that is removed is responsible for creating the appetite-inducing hormone ghrelin. Since this section is removed as part of the procedure, people undergoing this treatment experience less hunger and eat less. As a result, they start losing weight.
Sleeve gastronomy does not make any alterations to how we observe food. The only difference it makes is in the amount of food that can be ingested and the appetite that regulates this food intake.
Who Is a Good Candidate for This Procedure?
Robotic sleeve surgery is only recommended for individuals with a serious weight problem. Bariatric surgery is not for the dieter trying to fit into a dress that’s a size smaller; instead, it’s for people who are genuinely above their healthy weight requirement and need to lose a fair amount of weight as soon as possible for health reasons.
Why Choose Robotic Sleeve Surgery?
The procedure for robotic and traditional sleeve surgery is practically the same, except the robotic variant allows the doctor better insight into the procedure. This leads to a number of benefits.
Robotic sleeve surgery minimizes the number of incisions required for sleeve surgery. The size of the incisions is also smaller and the incisions made are more precise. A robotic sleeve surgery allows for an accelerated recovery.
The post-surgical marks resulting from the procedure are quite small, and there are fewer than with traditional sleeve surgery. Pain and discomfort are also minimized.
Finding Out More About This Technique
If dieting and exercising hasn’t been able to provide the results you want, then you may want to consider robotic sleeve surgery. The first step will be setting up a consultation with an experienced bariatric surgeon trained in the latest surgical techniques. Contact us to get started.