Performing Re-Sleeve Revision Bariatric Surgery

Weight gain is a very persistent problem for a number of people. Sudden weight gain can cause changes in the body and affect one’s appearance. This in turn affects how a person looks and feels about their body.
Many individuals opt for cosmetic procedures such as bariatric surgery, in which the capacity of the stomach to hold food is restricted. This reduces appetite and restricts the individual from excess eating. The result is a gradual weight loss.
In many cases, bariatric surgery can become ineffective. One of the disadvantages of bariatric surgery is that it can cause hormonal changes, which can have a negative impact on the body. In certain cases, the bariatric surgery may not result in the desired weight loss or may even lead to weight gain. To address this, surgeons perform what is known as gastric revision surgery.
Gastric Revision Surgery and Re-Sleeve Revision Surgery
In gastric revision surgery, the size of the gastric pouch is reduced further. When a patient has gotten a type of bariatric surgery known as gastric sleeve surgery and is in need of revision, they get re-sleeve revision surgery.
After gastric sleeve surgery, some patients may find themselves continuing to gain weight. This can occur as a result of a failure to execute correct removal of the key areas of the stomach. Weight gain can also occur as a result of a continuation of negative eating habits after the surgery.
In these cases, re-sleeve surgery is the solution. Re-sleeve surgery is usually performed laparoscopically and involves reducing the size of the stomach to a sleeve-shaped structure, thus further reducing a person’s ability to intake food.
Who Is an Ideal Candidate?
A patient who has undergone a gastric sleeve bariatric surgery that has proven to be ineffective is a good candidate for re-sleeve revision surgery. Patients who have had trouble regulating their proper diet and have gained weight may also be good candidates. Patients with severe medical conditions may be advised against undergoing the procedure.
What Can I Expect After the Surgery?
Immediately after the re-sleeve revision surgery, you are likely to experience some discomfort. This is a side effect of the procedure and will subside gradually. It is important to make sure that you are not overeating.
In most cases, surgeons will provide a post-surgery exercise and diet plan. During the initial weeks, it is extremely important to stick to this diet and workout schedule. Food intake should be monitored. When it comes to exercising, it’s best to start slow and then gradually build up the intensity and depth of your workouts.
A re-sleeve revision surgery is quite long-lasting and is known to be effective for up to seven years.
Is This Revision Procedure Right for Me?
The best way to learn if re-sleeve revision bariatric surgery is the right solution for you is by visiting Smart Dimensions™. A skilled surgeon and surgical weight-loss expert, is the ideal choice for your procedure. Schedule a helpful consultation today by contacting our office.