Losing Weight Is Hard – Robotic Sleeve Surgery Makes It Easier

When you have tried everything ranging from regular exercise routines to keto diets to lose weight and nothing has worked, it’s time to consider robotic sleeve surgery. This procedure is effective in achieving significant weight loss, which in turn minimizes chronic health risks associated with obesity.
According to estimates from the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS), the number of sleeve surgery procedures performed in the U.S. is steadily increasing. Robotic sleeve surgery is one of the most popular bariatric procedures.
What Is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Bariatric surgery refers to a group of weight-loss surgeries that are conducted to reduce the size of the stomach, resulting in reduced food intake. In sleeve gastrectomy, or gastric sleeve as it’s also called, the stomach is first vertically divided using staples.
Using a minimally invasive laparoscopic procedure, a large section of the stomach is then removed. The remaining portion of the stomach holds between one to five ounces and is shaped like a slender banana or a long tube. Through this, the stomach is reduced to about 15 percent of its former size.
The surgeon makes tiny incisions in the stomach area, into which specialized surgical instruments such as a camera are passed. The camera provides increased visibility and the surgeon can operate from within these tiny incisions. Because there are no open large incisions, there are only minimal post-surgical marks and a faster recovery.
The removed portion of the stomach also secretes ghrelin, which is a hormone that signals hunger. With less ghrelin available in the stomach, people usually experience a reduced appetite after the surgery. The loss in appetite combined with reduced food intake helps achieve significant weight loss over a period of time.
Robotic Sleeve Surgery
Robotic sleeve surgery is performed with the help of a robot called the da Vinci Surgical System. The robot assists the doctor in performing the weight-loss surgery with a lesser number of small incisions while also facilitating better control, precision, and enhanced vision.
Because there are fewer incisions, robotic sleeve surgery has these advantages:
• Less pain
• Faster recovery
• Reduced risk of complications
• Reduced risk of wound infection
• A shorter stay at the hospital
• A lesser chance of a follow-up procedure
• Minimal post-surgical marks
Robotic Sleeve Recovery and Results
The robotic sleeve procedure takes anywhere from one to four hours to complete. You can usually go home one or two days after the surgery.
The doctor and your dietitian will advise you on the amount and frequency of food intake and on transitioning to soft and normal foods from liquids. You may be prescribed high protein supplements, along with other minerals and vitamins, since the food intake is reduced.
With robotic sleeve surgery, patients can lose up to 60 percent of their original weight. It is important to follow the instructions of the doctor and your dietitian in terms of food intake, supplementation, and exercise.
Find Out More About Robotic Sleeve Surgery
This state-of-the-art weight-loss option may be the perfect choice for you. Find out more – contact our office and arrange a consultation with an experienced surgeon with numerous satisfied patients.