Follow up with the surgical practice is a very important aspect to help you reach your weight loss goals. It is also imperative if you have had a gastric bypass surgery that you come in for your one year follow up and labwork. At that appointment, the surgeon or PA will order a very comprehensive panel of bloodwork, that will also check your vitamin and mineral levels. Due to the malabsorbtive component of the gastric bypass surgery, we need to make sure that these levels are normal. Even if you eat a healthy diet, you can not absorb certain vitamins and minerals. Sometimes, the dosage of supplements needs to be increased, or possibly more supplements added. Please make your one year follow up appointment if you are due! If at any time before the one year mark you are worried about your levels, we can also do the labwork early to ensure that you are not getting deficient. If you have questions, please contact the office and speak to your surgeon or a Physician Assistant.