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Life After Weight Loss

Smart Dimensions™ offers a compassionate program that provides comprehensive care and support to help morbidly obese patients in Los Angeles and Orange County learn about life after weight loss surgery.

Many people believe that life is smooth sailing after bariatric surgery, but that is the time when the real work begins. You need to learn new eating habits, such as healthy foods and portion size, and you will begin a regular exercise program. The good news is that you will lose weight while doing these things, even if they have proven unsuccessful in the past.

Before and After Smart Dimensions™ Weight Loss

The doctors and staff of Smart Dimensions™ are here to offer the support you need after your surgery, and we can help you find the resources that are right for you. To find out more about our post-surgery support services, call our office today to schedule an appointment at our Orange County practice. We can help connect you with support groups, nutritional counseling, and any other services that you need.

More Information on Life After Weight Loss Surgery

Contact Us About Life After Weight Loss Surgery

To have a personal consultation with a Smart Dimensions™ gastric sleeve or gastric bypass surgeon, Los Angeles, Orange County, Riverside, and San Bernardino residents can contact our Fountain Valley practice. We serve patients throughout the United States and the world. Please call or text 714-861-4666 today to schedule your free initial consultation!

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